There was even a hashtag trending on twitter back in January, #deleteUber, about how Uber cut surging during a union strike over President Trump’s immigration ban. It urged users to delete their Uber application. First of all you want to either go to Uber’s help  website on your mobile device or desktop. Here will be a page with a number of different options, but first you will want to sign in to your account.  After signing in you will want to navigate your way to the ‘Account & Payment Options’ tab. Very sneakily, but totally predictable as ever, they hide the ‘Delete Account’ option so in order to find it you will have to press the button in that tab which says ‘More’. 

Once that has opened up, head to ‘Changing my account settings’ and in this list you will find ‘Delete my Uber account’.    You can tell Uber desperately wants you to stay because on this next page they ask you whether you are sure you want to delete your account, in which you input into the box : “YES”.    You then have the option to input a reason for deleting your account so that they have customer feedback. Put something meaningful or slap a couple buttons down on your keyboard. Both work.  And there you have it your Uber account has been deleted. What is useful to note is that even though your account has been deleted, Uber will retain some “certain information about you as required by law, or for legitimate business purposes to the extent permitted by law.”  Details on this can all be found in their privacy policy page.  

How to delete your Uber account - 28How to delete your Uber account - 14