But Mac users are an increasingly loud minority, boasting excellent reliability and easy sharing of data from an iPhone or iPad.  With that in mind, here are some key areas of macOS Catalina that we’d like to see come to Windows 10. 

Automatic dark mode

Apple introduced dark mode on macOS High Sierra in 2018, before adding the option for it to automatically turn on and off in Catalina a year later.  This makes perfect sense: early in the day a brighter screen will be suited to productivity, while the evenings are usually reserved for winding down with more muted. Curiously, despite Microsoft adding dark mode just a few months later, it can still only be toggled on or off in Settings. With dark mode coming to more and more devices, this seems like an increasingly notable omission. 

Better integration of devices

The  value of the Apple Ecosystem has been well documented in recent years, with the ability to seamlessly share messages, files and other data a big selling point. While the discontinuation of Windows phones has made this nearly impossible for Microsoft, we’d like to see the company take steps to ensure devices people use every day are more inter-connected.  The upcoming release of the Surface Duo suggests it will embrace Android as a mobile platform, so there is potential for more seamless integration of devices.  The first steps have already been taken with the development of the Your Phone app, but that could easily be extended to make the process more fluid. 

Include more free software

Purchasing a new PC or laptop is a significant investment. Apple has recognised that, with a number of apps coming free with macOS out of the box.  These include core productivity tools such as the iWork suite (Pages, Numbers, Keynote), but also more advanced apps like GarageBand and iMovie. It’s also the only platform to get Final Cut Pro, the advanced video editing software.  On Windows, the likes of Word, Excel and PowerPoint are all behind a paywall. While bundling a  Microsoft 365 subscription with Windows 10 might not make sense, it’s easy to forget the company still produces them as standalone apps.  Including the 2019 versions of these programs would be a big selling point for many people considering the switch to Windows.  Since Windows Movie Maker, Microsoft has chosen not to develop its own video editing software, choosing to lean on the Adobe Creative Cloud instead. That’s another subscription that many people can’t justify, so a more basic video editor would also be welcomed. 

Ensure the operating system is more secure

This might not be a feature as such, but Windows 10 has been plagued by bugs in recent months. The immense popularity of Windows makes it a regular target for malware and viruses, but we’d like to see Microsoft take further steps to protect its users.  Apple is by no means immune to security breaches, but they seem relatively few and far between. This is due in part to its Unix-based design, something not possible on Windows as Microsoft has to open it to third-party manufacturers. Nonetheless, as viruses continue to adapt, Microsoft’s cyber security will need to do the same to ensure users are protected.  While there are some useful macOS features that would be welcomed on Windows, this doesn’t mean Apple laptops are better than their Windows counterparts. Check out our round-up of Windows 10 features we’d love to see on macOS.  As the resident expert on Windows, Senior Staff Writer Anyron’s main focus is PCs and laptops. Much of the rest of his time is split between smartphones, tablets and audio, with a particular focus on Android devices.